Friday, August 20, 2010

Election Day - God continue to bless Australia!

I thank you and praise you Lord God for all your blessings, grace and care - I adore you and love you my dearest Lord and Saviour Jesus!!!:)

I'd like to share a verse and a Christian quote everyday and I'll start it today. Hebrew 2:1 - So we must listen very carefully to the truth we have heard, or we may drift away from it.

Election Day today, a big day! A beautiful election day, it will be sunny! Exciting indeed! Enjoy sausage sizzles at local schools where you vote. I'll be voting after work. The Lord guide us and bless us! God continue to bless Australia.

I heard in the news that there will be around 14 million Australian voters!

The other day I rang the Christian Democratic Party (CDP) Office to tell them that I am willing to volunteer. I have volunteered two or three time before on Election Day and I find it fulfilling as I do it for Jesus and I help the party. I realised later that I'm working on Saturday now but I do my share in praying to Him.

God bless us, His joy and peace be with us,
Ruth :) x00x

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