Friday, August 20, 2010

Federal Election - God bless Australia!

I praise you and thank you God for all your grace, for all your blessings and care and guidance!!! I adore you my dearest Lord Jesus!!!:)

Tomorrow is the Federal Election. I will be voting for Tony Abbott of the Liberal Party. I believe that it is just righteous to vote someone who is a confessed Christian than the none-Christian. I've been reading the Christian Democratic Party's messages and the newspaper reports about Tony Abbot. CDP announced him as one who posesses a Judeo-Christian morality being their member before and their representative in the Lower House. The newspaper reports confirmed this - he made his stands for all the pro-Christian policies. He has been known to be anti-gay and lesbian, anti-abortion and name it.

I'd like to take note here on my blog the information I gathered about the benefits of families under both parties - Liberal and Labor.

From the Sydney Morning Herald:

What families would get under Liberal:

- Tax refund on school
- Reindexation of child care rebate $300 a child for families claiming maximum rebate
- Reinstate $12.6 million of funding for occasional care

From The Sun-Herald:

Liberal/Coalition Pledges:

- Provide upfront access of up to $500 of baby bonus payment in addition to first instalment payment.
- Simplify family tax benefit entitlements by letting families choose the value of advance emergency payments.
- The maximum amount will be up to a maximum of $1000 and advanced payments will be paid back through a 7.5 per cent reduction in subsequent fortnightly entitlements.
- Impement reform where young people volunteer to give up benefits in return for guaranteed jobs.
- Spend $10 million on an early warning bushfire system.

What Families would get under Labor:

- 18 weeks parental leave paid at minimum wage
- Tax refund on school uniforms
- Up to $4000 extra a teenager a year for families receiving Family Benefit A
- Earlier upront payment of $500 on baby bonus
- Families in financial difficulty and eligible for benefit A can claim an advance of up to $1000.

If Christine will let me barrow her lap taptop, I'll go on facebook and post election news and notes. If I didn't post,that means no computer.

I pray for God's guidance and blessings in our election tomorrow. God bless Australia!

God bless us, His joy and peace be with us,

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