Tuesday, August 12, 2008

All for Christ - I praise You God!

All For Christ – I Praise You God!

Listen, believe, proclaim and act – all for Christ. This is my faith. God manifested Himself in different circumstances in my life, in good times and bad times. I thank and praise Him in my happiest moments and when I hit rock bottom! My personal relationship with the Lord has gone from strength to strength!

I am blessed indeed to know Christ at a very early age. I had grown up attending the United Church of Christ in the Philippines (UCCP), a Methodist church. My father was converted to Protestantism even before I was born, assisted his uncle in his ministries as a Methodist Pastor, who was one of the founders of UCCP. My father knew the Scripture and he was the one who taught me the beautiful hymn "What a friend we have in Jesus." I like what Frank Peretti wrote in his book "The Visitation II" - for this is how I would exactly put it also - "I was practically born a Christian, raised in a Christian home, nurtured in church and Sunday school.”

Sitting in the pew since I was five years old, I remember listening to Pastors while they were preaching - others were shouting with righteous energy and banging the pulpit to emphasise their message. I learned more about Jesus in our Sunday school classes and I loved His stories. He touched me at a young age and I believed and was fascinated by Him. As a matter of fact, the stories of Jesus Christ and other stories in the Bible are the only stories I heard when I was a child. I will brag about this because they are the best stories one could ever hear and learn. Some stories and messages in the Bible are like hearing or watching C S Lewis’ "Chronicles of Narnia" novels and J R R Tolkien’s "The Hobbit and his Lord of the Rings" – were Biblically based and best children’s Christian fantasy stories and films of all time!

I love the wonderful stories of Abraham, Moses, Joshua, Jonah, Joseph, David as a mighty warrior of God and his songs to God, Ruth and many more stories in the Bible. There was no magic with Jesus when He amazingly brought death to life, walked on the water, fed the five thousand, healed the sick, drove out the demon, when He rose from the dead, and many more of His mighty deeds! I constantly hear God’s word and while growing up He was my stronghold and foundation, still now and will always be. He is my life and He is my God!

When I was nine years old, I watched a movie about the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus on the television and I cried for a while, even days after that, and still so touched whenever I think about His death on the cross of calvary. I felt his love and sacrifice for me and to others and fell in love with Jesus more and of course, still in love and will love Him forever. I remember watching "The Passion of the Christ" few years ago with so much tears for Jesus. Because of His atoning sacrifice on the cross I could have everlasting life - I forever praise and thank Him! I rejoice because I know He lives and I could be with Him forever in eternity! Hallelujah!

I was a member of the church's choir since I was young, learned most of the hymns in the hymn book and some of the contemporary Christian songs then. I still love hearing and singing hyms up to now. I participated in many activities and programs of the church for young people - during Christmas, Easter, vacation school and other occassions.

We lost our father when I was only fifteen and I am the eldest of the three children. Our world suddenly changed. It broke my heart and I felt like a bird without a wing. Our family’s future looked unclear and unpleasant, but God provided for us and He showed us the brighter part of life. He gave us the strength and directions. His love and faithfulness never fail and His promises always stand for His faithful ones – my mother, brother and sister were well taken cared of by God. He opened our Red Sea and saw us through safely, well and good. My brother, sister and I finished our college education, with successful careers (I am doing further studies at the moment), with great families of our own, serving the Lord and active in our respective churches. Truly, His promises and faithfulness will stand forever!

I wanted to know more about God and read the Bible more. Sometimes in my teenage years, I was a bit self-willed and had not discover a personal relationship with the Lord yet, but had a strong faith in Him. I knew He loved me and was watching over me. I was eighteen when I took a big step of going to a big city and lived in a dormitory to continue my college. Living in a new place, bigger city and inside the university campus were overwhelming to me but exciting and memorable. Meeting new and nice people, being with dormitory friends, experiencing living in a city and participating in some campus' activities were awesome which I will treasure always.

A big turning point in my life came about when I was nineteen, I had an accident. God showed his faithfulness to me again and again! It was altogether lovely and worthy, because after that accident I had, the Lord touched me and it was the beginning of my personal relationship with Him. It was like becoming a new Christian again!

It was a time of uncertainties in my life when I met my husband. I migrated here in Australia - it was different but at the same time good, a fresh start. We are married for 19 years now and the Lord blessed us with two beautiful and talented daughters, Joanna and Christine – they are gifts from Him. I will always praise God for our children and for our family! I praise and thank Him for everything! Together we serve the Lord in the church and ministry through singing, participating in church activities, and leading bible studies and fellowships. I feel so at home being in a Christian community and I thank the Lord always for bestowing that to me through our family, church, children's school communities, christian fellowships and events, relatives and friends, altogether, this is my world. My life here on earth revolves around this world.

I would admit that I did not obey God in some occasions by making decisions on my own and not fulfilling His desire for me, but in all situations He was always there to pick me up when I fall and showed me the right path. Even in the midst of my rebelliousness and unrighteousness, He shone His light and reminded me.

The Lord always demonstrate His power, faithfulness and love to me as I put my complete trust in Him. He always bestow upon me His blessings as I surrender all to Him. I miraculously escaped a big car accident eight years ago, my mini car was written off and I only had minor injury! God blessed me with good medical test results and a breakthrough whenever I had so much pressures in life, for all of these, I will always praise and thank the Lord! And I believe He will be the same now and forever!

Last year when I undergone some biopsy tests, I did a lot of communicating with the Lord, cried to Him a lot and prayed for a good result - it was the biggest scare of my life! On the day of my first visit to the Specialist, I opened my Bible (as I do regularly) the Lord brought me to His Word of assurance, in Psalm 103 - "Praise the Lord, oh my soul, all my inmost being praise His Holy name, praise the Lord, oh my soul, and forget not all His benefits - who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desire with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's" - God just gave me His strong assurance, I felt the powerful touch of the Holy Spirit! I knew God will give me an excellent biopsy result and He did! All glory to you Lord! I am claiming to the Lord his great promises in Psalm 103 everyday. I had rededicated my life to the Lord and offered myself to serve Him.

I am working for God’s kingdom and proclaiming Him by opening our home for Bible Studies and fellowships. I have a stirring desire to tell people about my faith in Him and encourage them. It is indeed a joy to serve the Lord! It is great to do prayer and reading the Bible in our church's service, sing in the choir, help in the afternoon tea, join in church's activities and ministries, and have fellowship with others in the name of Christ! I regularly attend at Wesley Mission and from time to time, I go to other Christian worships and fellowships. My relationship with the Lord has grown stronger and stronger!

It was three years ago that I can say I became more mature Christian by knowing more of God's desire for me and two months ago, I believe I became fully mature in my faith - I totally surrendered by telling Him “this time it’s not what I want in my life, but what you want Lord.” It is my promise to Him! This time, I do not fear anymore of what He is going to tell me, but instead ready to obey Him.

I am on fire and my spirit is stirred for Christ! He gave me a vision to do a mission for Him – to help in the ministries for the poor, marginalised, oppressed and the victims of injustices. I believe this is a mandate from the Lord. He also inspired me to write for Him. This is the very reason I am writing about His faithfulnes and many blessings, my faith and my walk with Him. I praise You God!